fredag den 2. november 2012

Fredagsønske #24

Jeg er typen, der ikke kan lade være med at kigge på bøger. I boghandler, på Goodread, på Amazon, på blogs og tusinde andre steder nettet. Derfor er min ønskeliste altid rigtig lang. Fremover vil jeg hver fredag smide et indlæg om en bog fra min ønskeliste. Forhåbentlig kan jeg inspirere andre :)

Lil is an old woman who spends her days shelving rare books in a tiny Manhattan bookstore and lonely nights at home in her apartment. But Lil has an intriguing secret. Tucked and bound behind her back are white feathery wings–the only key to who she once was: the fairy godmother responsible for getting Cinderella to the ball to unite with her Prince Charming.
But on that fateful night, something went terribly and beautifully wrong. Lil allowed herself the unthinkable: to feel the emotions of human beings and fall in love with the prince herself, going to the ball in place of Cinderella in her exquisitely gorgeous human guise. For her unforgivable mistake, she was banished to live among humans, far from her fairy sisters and their magical underwater world. But then one day she meets Veronica–a young, fair-skinned, flame-haired East Village beauty with a love of all things vintage and a penchant for falling in love with the wrong men–and suddenly it becomes clear to Lil that she’s been given a chance at redemption. If she can find a soul mate for Veronica, she may right her wrong and return to the fairy world she so deeply longs for. . . .

Jeg elsker genfortællinger af eventyr, så jeg skal helt sikkert have fingre i denne bog. Jeg kan rigtig godt lide, at historien er fortalt fra gudmoderens synspunkt og at hun har ødelagt det hele for Askepot.
Bogen koster 6 £ hos

2 kommentarer:

  1. Den bog skal vist også hjem til mig og læses. Den lyder rigtig spændende. Det var da rigtig godt at jeg lige surfede forbi din blog her til aften :-)

    1. Hvor er du sød :) Det var dejligt, jeg kunne inspirere lidt..
